Food for thought

Browse through several snapshots of Andreea's thoughts and ideas in search for lively insights

Save the Date: 16 mai > LA CONFIANCE

INVITATION à la prise de parole sur le thème de LA CONFIANCE réalisée par Lively Insights en collaboration avec l’agence Neove • • • Choisir un produit, une marque, c’est engager sa confiance pour consommer “heureux et serein”. Mais aujourd’hui,

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International Online Qual

Our International & Online Qual Approach

LIVELY INSIGHTS is a company that specializes in: – INTERNATIONAL MARKET RESEARCH – DIGITAL COMMUNITIES / ONLINE QUAL – INNOVATION – BRAND STRATEGY CONSULTANCY. In the process of creating innovating brands and products, our team of senior consultants and partners

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Happy Mărțișor Day!

1st of March: Mărțișor Day in Romania For most people around the world, spring arrives on March 20th. Yet, in Romania, people celebrate the first day of spring today, the 1st of March. On this day, Romanian men buy small

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Atypical workshop space

In search for lively insights and an atypical workshop space for your next group meeting? About the Lively Place The Lively Place is perfect for strategic, innovation or creative workshops. The comfortable, versatile and stylish loft is ideally located in the

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News from SIAL Paris 2018

The International Food Exhibition SIAL 2018 that took place late October in Paris has recently closed its doors. As usual, there were millions of great products, lots of pasta, several interesting and more or less healthy softs drinks, snacks or

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Increased mobile use

According to Statista, the number of mobile phone users in the world is expected to pass the five billion mark by 2019. Indeed, whether in Europe, USA or Asia, we never leave home without our Smartphone.

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News from Eastern Europe

Discover Andreea’s blog presenting today’s Romania

> A platform where Romania appears unveiled: beautiful, fascinating, welcoming, sometimes superficial, indifferent or contrasting.

> A modern big picture of Romania with lovely stories, beautiful landscapes, interesting ideas and inspiring people.